My name is Amber and although I am a 10 year beauty guru, I am brand spanking new to blogging! For those that know me, they will say that in addition to being a certified professional makeup artist, I am EXTREMELY passionate about skincare. Why you may ask?? Well, that brings me to the beginning of my journey in the cosmetics arena.... I fell into the industry quite by accident!
From the age of 11, I began my pretty severe struggle with acne. My mom had flawless skin and never needed makeup nor did she need to combat it, so it was always a learning curve and continuous challenge to which we both knew nothing. All though junior high and high school, I was bullied for my looks and bad makeup. Although the bullying stopped with adulthood, my struggle with acne did not. My husband loved me and my kids loved me, but I didn't love myself bare faced and the damage emotionally ran deep.
So long story short (or short story long) in my twenties I had a retail manager that persistently told me that I belonged in cosmetics and attempted to recruit me. All I could think to myself was, "Are you kidding me...........have you SEEN me?!?!? Have you SEEN my skin???" I wore makeup because I NEEDED to in order to face the world....not because I wanted to!" After a year, I had an epiphany..... I thought... WHY NOT?!! You see, I always avoided department store cosmetic counters like the plague because the women there looked FLAWLESS! They looked like they never had a blemish in there life! Why would I of all people subject myself to the the makeup artists at those counters.... I felt so intimidated!
My epiphany occurred one day when I looked in the mirror and thought, WHY NOT!?!! I wanted to be that APPROACHABLE makeup artist that UNDERSTANDS skin concerns and not only does not judge but can genuinely empathize with my client! Little did I know that in my journey to help others, I would learn so much and transform my own skin in the process! Is it an on going process... yes. Was it easy.... definitely not! Do I still have scars...yes, inside and out. Am I a survivor, absolutely!
So why blogging? I have worked in so many different areas of the beauty industry..... I've managed high volume prestige beauty counters at both Macy's and Nordstrom... I've worked as a beauty educator.... I've been a makeup artist and skincare specialist through it all whether it was for a brand or freelance. The one thing that hasn't changed no matter what I have done in the field is that I AM NOT A BULL SHITTER (yes, I sometimes have a potty mouth... HA!). Clients trust me because I am brand agnostic.... I will recommend whatever makeup or skincare I feel is best for you regardless of what brand it is and who makes it! I am an absolute research NERD and will tell you WHY I am recommending something; in this information age, I feel we ALL should know HOW something works for us and why!
After much encouragement from my friends and family as well as clients that I help weekly, I've decided that I simply want to reach as many people as I possibly can, hence my blog!
I believe that with good skin comes good makeup and that you CAN change this skin you are born with! I believe in defying age with skincare! I believe that makeup is an art and it expresses our spirit! Beauty should be fun and rewarding,,,, if this hasn't been your experience, I hope to take you there.
What you can expect besides honesty? You can expect reviews, recommendations and education! I will break down ingredients and discuss products at all price points! I named my blog "Beauty on YOUR budget" because everyone can achieve great skincare and makeup regimens whether you have a narrow budget or no budget at all! Continue to follow me and read my blogs to learn more! I eat, breath and sleep beauty and cannot wait for you to join me on this journey!
- XOXO Amber Adele